Friday, April 24, 2009

Are Vampires Real?

Anonymous writes...

Hey I'm a Christian girl and I'm 13 I read Twilight but I wanted to know if vampires were real?

Trophy of Grace replies..

Vampires are not real but demons and evil spirits are real. I personally see vampires and these other creatures as glorified demons on the big screen. The vampire series (Twilight), new moon werewolves, hellboy, witchcraft movies (HarryPotter), and all the other so called ‘good’ evil heros and characters portrayed in Hollywood are all demonically inspired. They are meant to desensitize people making their spirits less sensitive and unaware of the evil influence that truly lies behind the creation of these books and movies. They are meant to open us up to accept the evil as harmless and even good. How can evil be good?

The devil and his demons (fallen angels) want people to think that they do not exist, but they do. They are the influence behind the scenes feeding some novelists, musicians, actors, screen writers, and politician’s with devil inspired visions and dreams that are ultimately destined to keep humans in bondage to sin and rebellion against God. These people are just puppets in the hands of satan.

Satan, the evil one, is the ruler of this present world. The world around us is under his control. (1 John 5:19) He is the father of lies. He is crafty, slanderous, deceitful, vicious, murderous, devious, mighty, conceited, cowardly, and wicked. His demons are fallen angels who oppose God and follow satan, serving the kingdom of darkness. Their goal is to tempt men to curse God’s name, keep men from faith in God, betray Christ, and receive worship. He has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe in Christ Jesus so they are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News that Jesus Christ died for our sins and that we no longer have to be slaves to sin. (2 Corinthians 4:4)

There is a battle raging in the spiritual world for the souls of men. Satan knows that he was defeated when Jesus paid the price for all of our sins by laying his life down for us. He also knows that Jesus will be coming back for His true followers soon and that his time is short. So the devil is going around wreaking havoc all over. That is why there is such an increase in evil. Don’t you see more and more evil around you? Death, cursing of God, abuse, drugs, rap, murder, fornication, perversion, and corruption is every where. We are in the end days and it is only getting worse.

But thank God that believers of Christ Jesus have the Holy Spirit who lives in them and who is more powerful than satan and any of his demons. Followers of Christ have been given authority in Jesus name over the forces of darkness. We are told to put on the armor of God so that we will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil because we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:10-12)

This may be hard to understand if you are not a believer or if you do not know what the Word of God says about spiritual warfare. If you like reading the Twilight series then I believe that you would like fiction books written by Frank Peretti. I just read two of his books called This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness. I really enjoyed them. They are truly interesting and help people better understand how the forces of darkness operate.

Here's a link to his site Frank Peretti

Sorry for the long response..I just couldn’t answer plainly “no there are no vampires” because WeUsed2bu’s mission is to unveil the lies of the enemy. I pray that you have eyes to see the Truth. Many blessing to you sister..


Trophy of Grace