Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Ex Never Got Rid of the Indecent Pictures & Video of Me

Anonymous Wrote: Sister, I need your help and prayers. I was in a relationship with a guy for a year and in that year I also became a Christian. As a new believer, I did not listen to God as much as I should have. As a result, I ended up emailing my ex bf undesirable pictures and a video of me. It's been roughly a year since we broke up and we still occasionally talk. Recently I accidentally discovered a message he sent his friend about still having those files on his email and computer. I was terrified. I thought he had deleted them but I was deceived. How should I go about confronting him about it? Should I talk to him about it in person? How should I go about it? Please help me. I pray that God will erase my past sins and forgive my sinful deeds so that I made me made pure and innocent again.

Saved By Faith Replies:
Proverbs 5:21, “For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord.”

We know that God sees our heart, thoughts, and motives. He knows us from head to toe but in spite of that, God still says, “I will remember their sin no more.”
Bring your sins to Him and He will forgive AND forget.

“…and will not remember thy sins.” Isaiah 43:25.

“I will remember their sin no more.” Jeremiah 31:34.

“Their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.” Hebrews 8:12.

If we’re saved, God has not only forgiven us of our sins but He’s also washed them in His own blood and has forgotten them. It is then upon us to forgive ourselves and not carry our sins around with us.

With that peace of mind, knowing how much our Lord loves us and how He’s forgiven us of our inequities and washed them away, we can now talk about your problem…

I think you should ask your ex to get rid of the pictures/videos. Don’t make it an argument or debate or heated discussion. Clearly let him know that you are a new person and would like him to respect the person you are NOW and delete the files. If he chooses to keep them then there’s nothing you can do; at least you made an effort to speak to him. At the end of the day, you know you are a new person in Christ. You know that God has forgiven you for your past indiscretions. Your past isn’t going to disappear. And might, at times, come back to haunt you. But it’s up to you to rise above that and remember that you brought your sins to God and ARE a new person in Christ!!!

I will pray for you as well.


Saved By Faith