Friday, August 8, 2008

He Liked My Friend, And Now He Wants to Date ME

Anonymous Asks:Thats really cool that you do that...well I need some advice then. What do you think about this meesage and mind you that I barely know this guy. It was my friends long lost friend , they just meet up back tohether a couple months ago and he was all like all about her and then saw me and wants me to be his girlfriend. I don't trust it as far as I can throw it but heres the message. Write me back so I can see what your opinon is.

Thanks a lot

ANSWER:I never got the message.. but based on what your telling me my advice to you would be this:

If you don't trust it your probably right. Remember this is your friend and you shouldn't ruin your friendship over an untrustworthy guy. To me (and this is only my opinion based on what you just told me) this guy is moving a lil too fast.

Try to maintain a friendship with him if thats possible. Dont jeopardize your relationship with your friend. I really cant give you an in depth answer without seeing the message.

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Daughter of Destiny