Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Who Are You Really?

Written by Daughter of The King

Let me start by telling you who I am. I’m a princess, I’m beautiful, I’m the apple of my father’s eye and I’m his cherished treasure.

Before you start thinking I have a big ego let me explain.
When I was a little girl I had a verbally abusive father, he called me every name in the book. By the time I was a teenager I felt worthless because I believed every hurtful word he said to me. Believing my father’s lies led me to make some poor choices and along with those choices came some painful consequences.

It took me a long time to realize that I was listening to the wrong father; maybe you have been too. If we look to our heavenly father for our identity this is what he tells us:

All verses taken from The Message version of the bible.

He shaped us in our mother’s womb, and we are marvelous inside and out! – Psalm 139: 13,14

We are His cherished treasure – Deut. 7:16

He thinks we’re beautiful – Song of Solomon 1:15

We are His child (daughter) – Romans 8:16

The bible even tells us that we are “the apple of His eye…” Zech. 2:8

Ladies don’t spend another minute believing the put downs from those around you. Now, repeat after me: I’m beautiful, I’m the apple of my father’s eye, I’m his cherished treasure and I’m a princess because I am a daughter of the Almighty King.