MySpace Friend writes..
Hello, it's me again. I have a question for u to ask so here i go. Lets say that I have a family member that I know most of my life and treats me bad, like not physical but emotional. I feel like I am not good enough. Even he says that I am not college material or I am not going to make it in school. I am enrolled as a full-time student to be become a RN so I took some honor classes while I was in high school the last four yrs. I was second in my class, involved in school events, never been in trouble in school and always called myself a bookworm because I study mostly everyday if i can, so "What kind of person treat me this way?" I pray about it many times and i forgive him but he keeps on say it when he gets mad at me for no reason. sometimes, i hurts to say. i don't know what to do? pray? God has a plan for everyone that i going to do well in the future?
Trophy of Grace responds
Don’t believe the lies that are being fed to you. If you apply yourself and diligently pursue your education you will achieve your goal. Don’t allow anyone to tell you different and hold you back with negative comments. They are meant to hold you back. If you believe these lies then you fulfill what has been spoken over you.
You remember what this scripture says now and always. God wants you to know this and believe it with all of your heart.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
The Lord has great things planned for your life. When we seek Him first, His will, and His way of doing things He will bless us above and beyond what we could ever ask Him for. You just have to believe what God’s Word says about you. Do not believe the words of those that persecute you.
There will be people that will put us down and say terrible things that are not true. That is when you have to allow the Word of God to rise up in your spirit and be the Truth that you receive no matter what.
Pray for this family member. Pray for God’s mercy on him. It is terrible what he is doing to you. He is obviously going through his own thing and needs someone to pray for him. So yes..pray for him with all of your heart.
The Lord wants us to pray for our enemies and those that persecute us because He does not want us to carry unforgiveness and bitterness in our hearts. When we can pray for God’s mercy and grace on our enemies our Lord accepts this sacrifice with so much joy. He knows that it is not easy to pray for those that are hurting us. Just think how He must have felt when they tortured Him and hung Him on that cross, but He still prayed for our heavenly Father to forgive them because they did not know what they were doing and to whom they were doing it.
We have to follow that example, but we can not do this in our strength. It is by the power of the Holy Spirit that we can do it. It is by knowing the Word and having Jesus’ Spirit living in us that we have the power and ability to do all things that He has called us to do. He has called you to forgive and pray for your enemies. He will give you the ability to do it. Trust Him..
One last thing..If you are a Christian then you need to know who you are in Christ Jesus. Once you know who you are in Christ then you will be confident and courageous. Read this article:
Do You Really Know Who You Are?