Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Prayer For A Friend

MySpace Friend's Comment on 7th Grade Boy Problems & Pregnant at 12:

Yes her parents did allow this because of the fact that her parents got married when they were young!

Most of the guys and girls at my school are exposed to a lot of drug uses @ there own house.

Well this is the last week of school until winter break and we haven't been to school AT all this week but we went a half a day on Monday and haven't been since and doubt if we will have school this week at all but to get to the point these guys across from my lunch table but we have booths they had brought marker(s) to lunch and were getting high off this. It was kind of depressing because some of the guys are my friends and it was sad.

I actually used to like one of these guys but I don't want a boyfriend that isn't a Christian and does drugs it's just to much for the average teen-age girl to handle except the fact that I'm not average I'm not normal I'm peculiar I'm a Christian and I can't do some of the things that most teenagers can.

The only dances I'll be able to go to are Prom either my Junior and senior *if someone asks me that is* but as women in Christ help me pray for the schools systems of the United States. ~Thank you

Trophy of Grace’s prayer for our friend:

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come before you in Jesus' name. You see my young sister's heart here. I ask that you give her strength and courage to be a light in the darkness. You have allowed her to go to the school that she is attending right now for such as time as this. I know you want to use her right where she is at to encourage other children and to be an example to others. She is different than the other children. She is not only your creation but she is your child. Help Lord... Comfort her with your Word. Give her a desire to draw closer to you and to read your Word daily. We know that your Word will be a light to her feet. Give her the Words to speak to her friends and associates. Let it be Words of Love and inspiration. I know that you have a mighty plan for her life..give her a vision and dream that she can hold on to. Remind her always that you are with her every day no matter what happens. Increase her faith and confidence in You.

In Jesus' name... Amen

PS - The women of WeUsed2bu love and care about your eternal soul. Therefore, we must tell you that there will be a day when each of us will have to stand before God and be judged for all we have done on this Earth. To find out how you can have right standing with God CLICK HERE

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