Monday, October 27, 2008
What Is Truth?
Written by: Daughter of The King
Recently I was at a Christian concert for teens handing out brochures; these brochures contained biblically accurate information and advice for Christian teens about some of the tough issues they face today, issues like abortion, sex, pornography and homosexuality.
For the most part I had a great time sharing this information with many teens and young adults, they were very grateful that we took the time to answer their questions. But then a group of girls came along and they picked up some of our brochures and after reading them one of the girls said that she didn’t agree with me, so I asked her what was it that she didn’t agree with. She replied that she didn’t agree that abortion was wrong, I told her that the fact that abortion is wrong (a sin) is not my opinion but God’s opinion and really the only opinion that matters is not mine or yours but HIS. I reminded her that through out the Bible God tells us that HE creates all life and all life is sacred, then I asked her “Are you a Christian?” “Are you saved?” what she said next surprised me; she said, “Yes, I’m a Christian but I don’t believe everything that’s in the Bible”.
I want you to answer a question honestly, are you like that? Are you the type Christian that picks and chooses what they are going to believe in the Bible? If you come across something that goes against how you “feel” or what you “want” to believe to be true do you just decide not to believe it? Often times we want to believe something simply because believing it makes us happy or comfortable but shouldn’t we want to believe things only if their true?
Is there an absolute truth? Or is truth relative? Like in the case of abortion (or any other issue) is it wrong (sin) but if the girl was still in High School and she wanted to go to college (or any other excuse) then it would be okay? Or is it just wrong all the time? Or what about sex; yes it’s a sin to have sex outside of marriage but we really “love” each other and there can’t be anything wrong with that right? Wrong.
Do you know why God sent Jesus to earth? Yes, he sent him to die for our sins but there was also another reason; In John 18:37 Jesus is asked by Pilate “are you a king?” Jesus responds, "You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me." Wow! God knew that we would be confused by the different messages we are getting so he sent Jesus to confirm the facts for us so that we can without a shadow of a doubt know what is true (right).
I’m sure some of you out there might have received some advice from weused2bu and maybe you did not like the response and you thought to yourself “well, that’s just her opinion” but I know that with every response there is a scripture reference so if you look up the scripture you can know for sure what is true. The bottom line is this: if you trust the Bible enough to come to the belief that you need Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior to enter Heaven then why wouldn’t you believe everything else it says? Jesus said “everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”
Whom are you listening to?