Saturday, October 18, 2008
They're Trying To Break Us Up
A Friend Asked: ok so my boyfriend a week before he met me was gonna ask this gurl out but she said she was 2 busy and then he met me.
what im trying 2 say is my best friend is trying 2 break us up.
and that gurl that almost went with him is trying 2 steal him from me so what do i do?
Response:I think the relationship is between you & him… not to include anyone else’s thoughts or opinions about it. If the two of you want to be together then your best friend should respect that… as long as it’s a healthy relationship. If there are outside people trying to interfere, the two of you really have to trust one another and be able to endure whatever rumors, gossip or trouble they make.
Is it something that the two of you want to continue? Is he in this relationship just as much as you? Before devoting any more time and effort into this, find out where he stands about the relationship. You should have the same dedication and desire to continue to be together. If either one of you are faulty there, it will eventually fall apart. You have to be strong and endure the criticism.
Ungodly efforts will be thrown your way, testing you in every situation. This could be a test of endurance and faithfulness for you & him. This could be the deciding factor on what kind of relationship you will have… whether it’s a friendship, boyfriend/girlfriend, or acquaintances. Discuss this with your boyfriend. Also, talk to your best friend. Speak to her out of love, letting her know how you feel and how her interference makes you feel.
Pray about your relationship and the storms it’s going through. Pray that God gives you the clarity you need to see your way through this, regardless of the outcome.
I will pray for you as well.
Romans 15:5
May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus,
Colossians 1:11
being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience
Saved By Faith
PS - The women of WeUsed2bu love and care about your eternal soul. Therefore, we must tell you that there will be a day when each of us will have to stand before God and be judged for all we have done on this Earth. To find out how you can have right standing with God CLICK HERE
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