Monday, September 8, 2008

What's Love Got To Do With It?

Written by: Blessed and Highly Favored

I got issues; issues about girls giving up their treasure in exchange for the illusion of intimacy. The line is long a and filled with girls and women who have shattered hopes, unrealistic expectations, a lifetime of STD’s, twisted sexual desires and mental anguish about their actions. What am I talking about? Is this another chat about sex, yes; but let’s look at the spiritual aspect of God’s gift to us.

It’s inevitable; someday, someone who you are not married to will utter the tired, worn line, “If you love me, then show me how much you love me.”

See the trap? Have you placed yourself in a situation that the “temptation” to give yourself over into sexual sin too great? But he loves me and I so want him to make me “feel like a woman!” Isn’t that a “natural response” to someone who you have a special, strong connection with? Whether you’re 12 or 62, it’s that same battle. And don’t for a second believe that the teen, or 20, or 30 or 40 or 50 something female has a clue about their sexuality, especially if they do not have a strong commitment to Jesus Christ. Satan wants to rob you of God’s precious gift and pervert your perception of sex. Hold up; stand back. Let’s look at the situation in its’ real context.

Sex is a wonderfully exciting fulfilling act. God made our bodies to react to certain stimuli in a specific manner for a specific reason. Our bodies were fantastically made by God to experience these feelings and responses layered in complex emotions. God even sanctifies (to make holy or sacred; to be free from sin, purified) sex by telling His creation, Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28). But all of this is meant only in the context of marriage, NOT JUST A RELATIONSHIP (48 months or 48 minutes)! And certainly not someone who has to talk you into surrendering your gift, just to prove something. And another thing, oral sex is sex. Simply because there’s no penetration with a penis, an orgasm is an orgasm if someone brings you to climax.

God gave us this physical experience which is first spiritual, then physical. Let’s define some terms. Sex is seeking gratification to satisfy a biological drive. And if you believe we come from apes or some primordial slime, it’s just a skip and a jump to justify satisfying an animalistic urge. Making love , on the other hand, is the meaningful, fulfilling, spiritual expression of the consummation of a marriage. A husband submits to his wife, as a wife submits to her husband to bring one another to a level of exciting intimacy the God intended for us as a gift. In Hebrews 13:4, the Bible says, “Marriage is honorable ( admirable, moral, respectable, good) among all, and the bed undefiled (unsoiled, precious, free from deformity, debased, or impaired): but fornicators (sex before marriage) and adulterers (sex outside of marriage) God WILL judge.”

So, that’s God perspective of His gift to us. We need to see ourselves from His vantage point, not as animals just having sex because it’s “natural.” The big lie of Satan is that “everybody is doing it,” “it’ll make me a man,” “it’ll make me a woman,” “but we love each other” etc. We are not animals who cannot reason, or think of consequences, or just live in the moment. We are divinely created by a loving God, who wants us to be Holy, full of purpose and direction. He wants us to be all we can be, all He created us to be.