Thursday, January 8, 2009

A WeUsed2bu Woman's Testimony-Melissa's Story

My New Year's Resolution was for me to do whatever it took to be closer to God this year. The other day I went from searching different websites to being saved last night. For some reason God brought me to your website and gave me the strength to take me out of my comfort zone and contact you. I am so blessed that he did.

I am truly blessed and grateful for you (Lisa) walking up there with me and sharing that moment with me. I admire the both of you and what you guys are doing. I was raised in a Catholic home. Although, I never understood his word I always believed in God. He has truly been my Savior throughout the years.

At 18 my father shot and killed my mother and then pulled the gun on himself. At 19 I was in an abusive relationship with a drug addict. I was beat pretty much every other day. I used to cry to God and ask why was He putting me in this type of a situation when I had lost my parents? I felt hopeless. I went from having everything to losing everything, to losing everything including my dignity.

What I didn't realize is that I had him. God was always there. For some reason I had to go thru what I went thru to become the strong woman I am today. God didn't make my life easier He made me stronger! He gave me the strength to leave that relationship in the middle of the night with 2 bags to my name and never look back. It wasn't easy having no one to turn to but Him.

I went from living house to house and having my closet in the trunk of my car. I saved up enough money and purchased my first home at the age of 21. I worked all day and went to school every night. He gave me the strength to get up every morning and accomplish everything I have. I have everything because of Him. I am truly blessed that I had Him there every step of the way. He never left me. He was next to me the whole entire time. I could have strayed but He kept me moving forward.

With everything He has given me I hadn't thanked Him until yesterday. I know in my heart I was destined to meet you guys. I want to thank you so much Lisa for giving me that courage to walk up there last night and be saved and to finally say thank you from the bottom of my heart to God. For I have everything now. I am grateful that Jesus has brought you to me. If this website was to touch one woman, well then the job has been accomplished. Thank you so much ladies! I hope we stay in contact. Keep up the good work! May God bless the both of and your families.

Love Always,
Your new sister