Monday, September 22, 2008

Garbage In Garbage Out

Written by: Conduit of Truth

Do Not Destroy Your Heart With Your Own Eyes

Be careful of what you intake through the eyes; such as looking at immoral magazines, indecent pictures, bad ideas and immoral movies and stories. There are some magazines, books, and movies that will instill doubt about your beliefs. There are some that will create images that can lead one astray. When faced with such reading material and movies ask yourself, “Will the information in this book/movie/magazine help me to be a better person? Will it help me to reach my goals? Will it draw me closer to Jesus?” If your answer is no, then why waste your time?

Use your time to read positive stimulating books. Read your bible often. It has an example of every life experience that you hope to go through and more.

Do Not Destroy Your Heart With Your Own Mind

One tends to become what you feed your mind. If you eat junk food all the time your body will soon show it. The mind works the same way. If you feed your mind with thoughts of evil, then it will produce evil actions. Immoral stories or movies will lead to immoral actions. This is a situation of garbage in and garbage out. In the bible in the book of Philippians it speaks of how your mind set should be. It says finally brethren what so ever things are true, what so ever things are honest, what so ever things are just, what so ever things are pure, what so ever things are lovely, what so ever things of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise think on these things. (Philippians 4:4-8)

Do Not Destroy Your Life With Friends That Will Pull You Down

It is said that birds of a feather flock together. Be careful of those you call friends. Do not hang around with ones that display bad attitudes, gives wrong advice, speaks against authority, and those with thoughts of evil and not of good. If you run with losers then you will become a loser on the run.

On the other hand associate yourself with the doers, achievers, and the positive life wires and you will stay motivated with love and peace of mind to do good for yourself and for others around you.


Whatever your mouth says the most,
Whatever your eyes see the most,
Whatever your ear hears the most,
Will be what you heart stores the most.

The words stored in your heart will be your life.
Your life is in your heart.
So be careful about what goes in your ear,
Or, what comes out of your mouth.

What you hear
What you see
What you say
Is that what you are right now?
Are you really who you are?

By: PJ Schloss