Thursday, August 28, 2008

Not Even God Can Help Me - Pt2

continued from Not Even God Can Help Me

Her Response: no disrespect but if god has a plan for me he needs to get down here n tell me wut it is cuz i dont see it............n quite frankly i have more lives then a damn cat n these days i wish i hadn’t

WeUsed2bu: Sometimes we don’t understand what God is doing in our life or what has happened. But I know that in my own life, everything that’s happened, good or bad, God has used for my good and to His glory.

His plan for your life is to live bondage-free. He wants you to put all of your trust in Him. He has preserved your life many times because He’s not done with you and He’s allowing you time to turn from your ways and acknowledge Him. He loves you. He always has.

You asked that He come down and tell you what His plan is for your life, as if He’s been far away from you… but He’s never been far away. He’s been by your side all the time. He is in the storms of our lives, waiting for us to reach out for Him. He is what gives us strength and courage to keep moving forward.

God has planted eternity in men's hearts and minds [a divinely implanted sense of a purpose working through the ages which nothing under the sun but God alone can satisfy] (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

I can see by the details on your page that you are spiritually searching for something. But no spell, witchcraft, or any occult activity can fill the void you have in your heart. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. It is only in serving Him that you will truly discover your purpose in this world.

We will be praying for you to find spiritual freedom through Christ.

With Love,

Trophy of Grace

CONTINUED... I'm A Witch Cuz That's What I Am

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