Monday, August 18, 2008

Jesus Freak!

Written by Trophy of Grace

When you decide to follow Jesus with all of your heart those closest to you will notice. All of a sudden you talk different. You have become more aware of the things that come out of your mouth. You no longer want to hang out in those places that will cause you temptation or ruins your testimony. You are truly different!

You now have a desire to please God so you begin to reevaluate your life. This process can often be difficult. Your friends and family may not understand. They may not even agree. So don’t be surprised if you are being persecuted from those closest to you. You may be called extreme or a Jesus Freak. Some may even feel the need to bring up what the old you was up to just months, weeks, or even days before you surrendered to Christ Jesus.

Don’t be discouraged! Jesus was persecuted and we will be persecuted too because we belong to Him. (John 15:20) Keep diligently doing God's will. You will no longer be spending the rest of your life chasing after evil desires. You have had enough in the past of the evil things the godless enjoy- sex, sin, lust, getting drunk, wild parties, drinking bouts, and the worship of idols, and the other terrible sins.

Of course your former friends will be very surprised when you don’t eagerly join them any more in the wicked things they do, and the will laugh at you in contempt and scorn. But just remember that they must face the Judge of all, living and dead. They will be punished for the way they have lived. Thank God daily for your salvation. (1 Peter 4:3-5)

Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t snap back at those who say unkind things about you. Instead pray for God’s help for them, for we are to be kind to others, and God will bless us for it.

Be a strong living testimony for all your friends and family to see. Walk in love and pray for them constantly. Be prepared at all times to give an account of why you believe the way you do in a gentle and respectful manner. (1 Peter 3:8) Remember that our Lord called you to Him so that He could use you to minister His love to others. Don't be ashamed to be a Jesus Freak!

May God give you strength and courage on your journey to becoming His vessel of honor.