Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How Do You Figure You Used To Be Me?

Anonymous Wrote: not to be a smart but how do u figure u used to be like curious

Response: It's ok...

WeUsed2bu in a sense that...

... collectively we've experienced different life's circumstances that many teenagers and young women may go through at some point in their life.

relationship problems
doubting or questioning what parents say
peer pressure
questions about our identity
learning who we are and our purpose in life
drugs and alcohol
gang activity
teen pregnancy
occult activity

As teens and young women we made many wrong decisions that affected the rest of our lives. We learned the hard way that things do not always turn out how we plan. Feelings of sadness, loneliness, trying to find our place, confusion, and fear are ones that we will never forget. God did not allow the enemy to detroy us because He had a purpose for our lives. We understand that everything we went through God allowed for such a time as this. This is why we started WeUsed2bu.

WeUsed2bu is way of reaching out to teens and young women letting them know that God has a plan for their lives and they are not alone on their journey through this life.

Here is a link to our testimonies page where you can read some of stories if you'd like.

Read Our Counselors' Testimonies

You are in our prayers. God bless you.


Trophy of Grace

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Read our counselors' testimonies