Saturday, August 30, 2008

After School Started She Changed

Anonymous asks..hey well i have a friend.every time she iz around me she acts like goofy old me.but when she goes around othes girls she tries 2 act all cool.i noe that sometimes she get a little jealous of me because most of the boys like but that doesnt really matter.but any ways.this past summer we were always 2gether,but after school started she just the hall ways she doesnt say anything 2 me.but when were at my house she could talk up a storm.i just want a friend that iz a friend around me AND around other people.

Answer..I can imagine how hurt you must feel. I think the best thing to do is to talk to your friend about how you are feeling. That is the only way that the situation can be resolved. Before you go and talk to her pray and ask for God to give you the words to speak and also ask that her heart be prepared to receive what you have to say.

If she continues to act indifferent when you are at school then you may need to give her some space. Try not to take it personal. Your friend may just be trying to find herself and her own direction. I have learned that friends come and go. Some are just for a short season and others are for a life time.

If this friendship has served its course then thank God for the time that you have had together and keep your friend in your prayers. Then ask God to send you new friends that love Him and will love you too.

I will be praying for both you and your friend.


Trophy of Grace

PS - The women of WeUsed2bu love and care about your eternal soul. Therefore, we must tell you that there will be a day when each of us will have to stand before God and be judged for all we have done on this earth. To find out how you can have right standing with God CLICK HERE

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