Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I Don't Think I Am Wrong! Pt2
Response..Ok. I see and thanks. I just needed to ask because I do go to church and my church family has taken me for who I am. I am a kind and loving person who is open to eveeryone around me. I don't hide things but I just wantd to know that there are people who can take me for who I am. Not seeing me as just another gay person who has turned against the Lord because it's not like that at all.
Answer..The church, as the body of Christ is called to love and encourage one another. However, we are also called to lift our brothers and sisters up when we see them falling away from the truth. With all the love in my heart and with great urgency I tell you the following:
All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right.(2 Timothy 3:16) You know in your heart that homosexuality and lesbianism is rebellion against God. Jesus died for us knowing we are sinners and while we were still in our sins, but once we accepted the Lord as our Savior we were called to be living testimonies and to bring glory to God. Our life, the way we speak, the way we act, our lifestyle, should be evidence of our faith in Christ Jesus. If we say that we love Him but disobey him by willingly hardening our heats and sinning then our love and our faith is worth nothing.
The Word of God says.. no homosexual will inherit the kingdom of heaven. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11) I am pleading with you repent and turn to God. He will be faithful to not allow this temptation from becoming so strong that you can't stand up against it. (1 Corinthians 10:13) If you continue to harden your heart and live in this lesbian lifestyle you will go to hell. :-(
I know that sounds so harsh but I can not come to you with words of flattery because your soul is at stake. I am not trying to please men. If i was trying to please men I could not be a servant of Christ. This is THE WORD OF GOD.
Trophy of Grace
Conversation continued:
Part 1 - I Don't Think I'm Wrong Pt 1
Part 3 - I Don't Think I'm Wrong Pt3
Part 4 - I Don't Think I'm Wrong Pt4
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