Our vision is to provide guidance to young girls and women by sharing our life experiences, providing wise counsel, and sharing the love of Christ.
Our mission is to be a light to other girls and women by giving wise counsel based on the Truth found in God’s Word. We are committed to unveil the lies of the enemy and disrupt his plan to destroy these young women’s lives.
Colossians 2:8. "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ."
Testify to Love
As a child of God, you have a powerful story to tell. Sharing how you came to Jesus and the difference He's made in your life can help others discover how they can know God intimately.
God invites us to testify about His goodness so, please, share your testimony with WeUsed2bu. In sharing your testimony, you will bring glory to Christ: Share now!
A WeUsed2bu Woman's Testimony-Melissa's Story
My New Year's Resolution was for me to do whatever it took to be closer to God this year. The other day I went from searching different websites to being saved last night. For some reason God brought me to your website and gave me the strength to take me out of my comfort zone and contact you. I am so blessed that he did.Read Complete Posting
How Do You Figure You Used To Be Me?
Anonymous Wrote: not to be a smart but how do u figure u used to be like me.............im curious Response: It's ok...WeUsed2bu in a sense that.. collectively we've experienced different life's circumstances that many teenagers and young women may go through at some point in their life. insecurities,relationship problems,doubting or questioning what parents say,peer pressure,questions about our identity,learning who we are and our purpose in life,drugs and alcohol,gang activity,teen pregnancy,abuse, & occult activity. Click here to continue reading
How Can I Tell My Parents About My Boyfriend?
Anonymous Wrote: i really need ur help i have a big situation...i think im falling in love with a boy =] =[ the problem is im not allowed 2 have any boy friends but i made an exception for him. i just wish my parents would no that im wise enough to have and handle a boyfriend i really want to tell them and my boyfriend want me to 2 but i just cant so that. Its like when i talk to them about boy or even try to they dont listen to every thing. all they listen to is the boyfriend part i say… they may not no that but i no...plezz help what do i do!!Click here to read response
Baby Mama Drama
Anonymous: I have been with my boyfriend for two years. We are both Christians and recently made the decision to be obedient to God and to keep in His word daily. I love the fact that we are growing together and encouraging each other when times get tough. My boyfriend has a three year old son that we pick-up on the weekends and I love him to death. When it’s us three we have a great time together. The only thing is I feel that my boyfriend is trying to keep me away from his son’s family. He doesn’t like to tell me when he talks to his son’s mother and seems to make calls over there secretly to keep me from finding out.Read complete Q & A
I Want To Be Saved
MySpace Friend asks: How did you become saved? I always have wanted to be saved, but there's this thing that I've been doing and its hard me to stop. Click here to read response
Partying & Clubbing
Lil Bro asks..What does the bible say about partying and clubbing? Answer..The bible says “Don’t do it!” The bible refers to partying and clubbing as part of our “sinful nature” and goes on to say that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God.(Galatians 5:18-21) Romans 13:12-13 says, “The night is almost gone; the day of salvation will soon be here. So remove your dark deeds like dirty clothes, and put on the shining armor of right living. Because we belong to the day, we must live decent lives for all to see. Don’t participate in the darkness of wild parties and drunkenness, or in sexual promiscuity and immoral living, or in quarreling and jealousy. Read Complete Posting
Addiction to Pornography & Masturbation
I am a young female and i have a horrible addiction to pornography & masturbation and no matter how much i pray or try to stay away from this temptation i continue to fall. It's horrible and i know that it hurts the Lord when i do it and its also having bad affects on my self-esteem & self-worth. It gives me feelings of worthlessness, guilt, & shame. And it's also affecting my relationship with a good friend of mines because everytime i fall i take out my frustration on him. This problem is horrible because i know its wrong but i cant stop. Read Complete Q & A
This Is Not The Life I Wanted For Myself
A Friend Wrote: Going through some crazy drama and don't even know why. Everything is too much for me that I'm gonna start going to church every sunday starting this sunday coming up, I come to realize that I need god in my life and just need to start my life fresh. This is not the life I want for myself... Been doing a lot of thinking to myself and need to just do and stop thinking so much about it but at times I just feel like given up on myself... Click here to read the response
I'm Almost Ready To Give Up
Anonymous says.. I come to you, strangers, because I have nowhere else to go.I have read all of your testimonies, and think its amazing what God has done in all of your lives. I can't even pretend I have lived through any of what you guys have. But at the same time, I'm not sure you can identify with what I have lived. Click here to continue reading
I Like Him But He's Not Christian
A MySpace Friend Wrote: I'm writing to you because I've read your bulletines and they've helped me...but now i have this problem & seems harder than what i really thought.Almost all my life i was raised in the gospel,i know right from wrong. I know that God is our only true love.We've always been taught, keep yourself pure until the day you get married, do not set eyes on an unbeliever, watch what you do and say at all times and respresent Christ in everything you do. That never really seemed like a problem until now that I started college. Click here to continue reading
I Believe Sex Before Marriage Is Fine
I just would like to know how that is represented as ONLY married people have to be virgins? You think the writers of God would come on out and say it. I think when it says "He becomes like one person with his wife" It means they unite in marriage and they are now one.I believe sex is ok as long as it IS the person that you're going to be with for the rest of your life.Click here to read response
I Don't Think I Am Wrong!
Question.. I am gay and I was wondering would that affect the way you look at me? Don't lie because God doesn't lik ugly! Answer.. Absolutely not!! I do not look at you any different. I look at you through the love, grace, and mercy God has put in my heart. The only thing I see is a beautiful woman that is deceived by the enemy and trapped in bondage. Click here to continhttp://www.weusedtobeyou.com/2008/07/16/i-dont-think-i-am-wrong-pt1/ue reading
I'm 13. My Mom Won't Let Me Have A Boyfriend
Anonymous said.. I am thirteen years old. A boy in school asked me to be his girlfriend. My mom says that I am not allowed to start dating or have a boyfriend until I am sixteen. I feel like I am mature enough to have a boyfriend now. I don’t understand why I have to wait. I feel like she is being over protective and treating me like a baby. I don’t want to disobey her or God but I really like this boy. What should I do? Click here to read the response
My 16-yr-old Daughter is Not Pure Anymore
Anonymous said... How to handle finding out your 16 yr daughter is partly not pure anymore. I haven't said anything to her yet. But My first reactin is to ground her and make her read verses all day. I'm so hurt by this. Please help. Read Response Now
He Had A Fling & She Got Pregnant Too
Anonymous said... Ok so..here goes...My boyfriend and I have been together for about 3 years. Not being obedient, we had a daughter, now shes 7 mos. However, now we broke up for about one month, and he had a fling with another woman and she got pregnant as well. Our daughters are 6 weeks apart.I love him a lot, however, even though we were officially not together, I feel betrayed. Not to mention the conviction I feel for not keepin my temple holy. Any who..He's a great father two both girls, and is really considerate of my feelings about the situation, He constantly apologizes. He's saved, and I forgive him..but why do i feel so insecure? I believe he is my husband, however, I don't want to deal wit' the baby mama drama. I feel like I have a choice, take care of me and my daughter, or stick it out with my potential husband. I've prayed, and prayed and prayed...I don't know what God wants me to do...what do you guys think? Read Response Now
Can I Remarry After Divorcing My Abusive Husband?
Anonymous said... I have a question: I have prayed about it (alot), I have asked for wisdom from other Christians, I have even went to a counseling session by a minister..and to no avail. I just end up more confused after talking with these people, then before I came to them. So here it goes: Read Complete Q & A
My Ex Never Got Rid of the Indecent Pictures & Video of Me
Anonymous Wrote: Sister, I need your help and prayers. I was in a relationship with a guy for a year and in that year I also became a Christian. As a new believer, I did not listen to God as much as I should have. As a result, I ended up emailing my ex bf undesirable pictures and a video of me. It's been roughly a year since we broke up and we still occasionally talk. Recently I accidentally discovered a message he sent his friend about still having those files on his email and computer. I was terrified. I thought he had deleted them but I was deceived. How should I go about confronting him about it? Should I talk to him about it in person? How should I go about it? Please help me. I pray that God will erase my past sins and forgive my sinful deeds so that I made me made pure and innocent again. Read Response Now
Please take a moment to review our posting guidelines. Then post a comment with your questions or situation. Daughter of Destiny will post a comment back within 24 hours.
Emotions-breakdown or breakthrough? Are your emotions causing you to breakdown, or helping you to breakthrough? This month on WeUsed2bu, we’ll learn about the importance of not being led astray by our emotions.read more
The Creator of Heaven and Earth as good plans and a purpose for your life. You are not an accident. Our God made all the delicate, inner parts of your body and knit you together in your mother’s womb for such a time as this. He made you so wonderfully complex! You are His marvelous workmanship. He watched over you as you were being formed in utter seclusion, as you were woven together in the dark of your mother’s womb. He saw you before you were born. Every day of your life was recorded in His book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. He has wonderful and precious thoughts about you. His thoughts toward you cannot even be counted because they outnumber the grains of sand! When you feel lonely or like you’ve lost your way remember that Jesus is just a prayer away. Don’t ever give up! (Psalm 139:13-18)
10 Ways To Practice Purity
Ron Hutchcraft wrote an article for Campus Life's, Ignite Your Faith magazine on practical ways to express your love and remain sexually pure. I found the suggestions to be very realistic. I encourage you to read this article. I pray you find it helpful. Read 10 Ways to Practice Purity by Ron Hutchcraft
Insults, Rumors, & Gossip
Written by: Saved By Faith “Did you hear? ...”“You didn’t hear it from me but…”“Someone told me that….”We’ve all been there before, either saying it or listening to it. Gossiping, exchanging stories, talking about someone, whatever you want to call it. But what exactly did you get from it? Do you still see that person the same way, without judging them? Can that information be used to lift them up? Or did it damage their reputation? Hurt them? Or maybe hurt you?Click here to continue reading
I Wish I Had A Mom!
Written By: Trophy of Grace I wish I had a mom! You see my mom died when I was sixteen years old in a tragic car accident. I wish she were here today so that I could ask her for advice. I know if she were here I could lay on her lap and she would talk with me, listen to me, cry with me, and hold me. I WISH I HAD A MOM! (my heart full of sadness and eyes full of tears) Click here to continue reading
Waiting, Dating, & Mating
Written by: Daughter of The King Have you ever wondered who invented dating? It’s such a common thing now a days that it seems like everyone is dating and those who are not are dying to start. That got me wondering about the purpose of dating, so as a Christian woman I went to the Bible to see what it had to say about dating, do you know what I found? NOTHING! Click here to continue reading
What's Love Got To Do With It?
Written by: Blessed and Highly Favored I got issues; issues about girls giving up their treasure in exchange for the illusion of intimacy. The line is long a and filled with girls and women who have shattered hopes, unrealistic expectations, a lifetime of STD’s, twisted sexual desires and mental anguish about their actions. What am I talking about? Is this another chat about sex, yes; but let’s look at the spiritual aspect of God’s gift to us.Click here to continue reading
Garbage In Garbage Out
Written by: Conduit of Truth Do Not Destroy Your Heart With Your Own Eyes Be careful of what you intake through the eyes; such as looking at immoral magazines, indecent pictures, bad ideas and immoral movies and stories. There are some magazines, books, and movies that will instill doubt about your beliefs. Click here to continue reading
Show Me A Sign
Written by: Saved by Faith Just as God created trees, He created us to be rooted too. Rooted in His word. Rooted in His faith and love. Many are quick to question whether or not He's there for them. Many say, "Well, if God was there then why would he let that happen to me?" Sometimes we have to go through certain struggles in order to continue on the righteous path. Sometimes these struggles are used to humble us or remind us of the walk we should be taking as Christians. In order to truly survive these trials, we must be firm in our walk... Click here to continue reading
Do You Think I'm Beautiful?
Written by: Trophy of Grace A friend gave me a book to read called, Do You Think I'm Beautiful? written by Angela Thomas. She said that she thought it would be good since I am doing the WeUsed2bu ministry and so many girls and women ask, “Do you think I’m beautiful”. Since this is a question that I have asked on several occasions I was determined to see what this book had to offer on this frequently asked question. I could never imagine the blessing that was in store for me. I know now that it was most definitely our loving and sweet Lord who put it on her heart to give me this book to read.Click her to continue reading
Our Appearance
Written by: Blessed and Highly Favored Am I really trying to be all that? The other day I was channel surfing with the remote, so bored with what was supposed to entertain me. I decided to peep at MTV real quick. I used to watch it a lot, especially when it first was broadcasting (yes, I am that old). Anyway, about 15 seconds into a video I was so shocked at what I saw. Click here to continue reading
God versus Science
Cross from Saved by Faith's blog 'Let me explain the problem science has with religion.' The atheist professor of philosophy pauses before his class and then asks one of his new students to stand. 'You're a Christian, aren't you, son?' 'Yes sir,' the student says. 'So you believe in God?' 'Absolutely.' 'Is God good?' Click here to read complete posting
"Do Over"
Written By: Trophy of Grace “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.” Romans 3:23 Recently I have been thinking about how many believers allow themselves to be tormented by feelings of guilt and condemnation when they sin and fall short of our God’s glorious standard. They get so down on their selves when they realize that they are still susceptible to sin. We must remember that we are going to make mistakes as long as we are here in these sinful bodies living in this world full of sin and temptation.Read complete posting
What is Truth?
Written by: Daughter of the King Recently I was at a Christian concert for teens handing out brochures; these brochures contained biblically accurate information and advice for Christian teens about some of the tough issues they face today, issues like abortion, sex, pornography and homosexuality. For the most part I had a great time sharing this information with many teens and young adults, they were very grateful that we took the time to answer their questions. But then a group of girls came along and they picked up some of our brochures and after reading them one of the girls said that she didn’t agree with me, so I asked her what was it that she didn’t agree with. She replied that she didn’t agree that abortion was wrong, I told her that the fact that abortion is wrong (a sin) is not my opinion but God’s opinion and really the only opinion that matters is not mine or yours but HIS. I reminded her that through out the Bible God tells us that HE creates all life and all life is sacred, then I asked her “Are you a Christian?” “Are you saved?” what she said next surprised me; she said, “Yes, I’m a Christian but I don’t believe everything that’s in the Bible”.Read Complete Posting
Locked Up Memories
This article is for mature audience; Graphic in nature; Not for the weak or judgemental
Written by: Blessed & Highly Favored My mother died four years ago and I’m still having a hard time going through her stuff. In fact, there are boxes in my possession that I haven’t gone through since March of 2004. The boxes are full of papers, pictures, letters, etc. I really loved my mother and I miss her terribly. I know she’s in heaven and I’ll just have to wait to see her again. Now, my father…I hated him. He molested me for years as a child, forcing me to perform oral sex on him, and fondled every part of my body. He made me fear him, fear my feelings, and sowed the seeds of distrust. I didn’t know what love was, only that I was exploited for his pleasure. And I never told my mother. I thought I was the one who was being bad, almost asking to be abused. As so this is how a child thinks.Read complete posting